Some folks still sport vestigial gill " holes" behind their ears - what more do you want!!
To hold my breath for half an hour and dive down to 300 meters...
one of the biggest gulfs that life has had to cross was the transition from sea to dry land.. fish have conical shaped heads, reptiles have flat heads.
fish have no necks; their heads are attached to their shoulders by a series of bony plates.
land-dwelling animals all have necks; their heads can move independently of their shoulders.
Some folks still sport vestigial gill " holes" behind their ears - what more do you want!!
To hold my breath for half an hour and dive down to 300 meters...
the netherlands has recognized the church of the flying spagetti monster as an official religion !!.
i am so tempted to join it openly, and see what the reaction of the jw's is, surely they should df me for joining another religion?.
but how silly would that make them look !
For good measure your could also vote for the Monster Raving Looney Party at the next election. Show those Jdubs what you are made of!
one of the biggest gulfs that life has had to cross was the transition from sea to dry land.. fish have conical shaped heads, reptiles have flat heads.
fish have no necks; their heads are attached to their shoulders by a series of bony plates.
land-dwelling animals all have necks; their heads can move independently of their shoulders.
Cofty, as your reply to EQV shows, to understand the concept of evolution you have to get down to the nitty gritty of the details. This means knowing about the actual species involved and their characteristics and dates of arrival in the geological column. The analogies and illustrations used by creationists do not dare to recognise the simple logic of the 'connectedness' of all living things.
Religious belief however eclipses reason...............
some statistics.
this graph charts national responses to the statement, "human beings, as we know them, developed from earlier species of animal," and show some strange bedfellows.. .
as you see, a huge majority (70% and higher) of western europe people surveyed, accept evolution (in some form).
as we all know, the clam reeks of propaganda and lunacy (sniff...sniff...mmmmm...smells like the gb's meeting room.
what did dubs glean from the clam that washed ashore this week?
according to the book of ezra, jeehoober is so fearful of competition, that he banishes wives and even small children.
DD how can the JW drones ever escape this crude propaganda? The GB perpetually assails their flock with the words “true worship” knowing that their captive audience will nod in agreement and believe.
For goodness sake JWs, there is no possibility of there being such a thing as “true worship” anymore than there can be true religion, true politics, true nature appreciation or true weather. It is a category mistake. Worship is not susceptible to truthfulness or falsity.
I suggest that to worship anything is complete folly and a denial of self. Spend your life helping mankind by all means but worship is a primitive urge to escape divine wrath.
Why didn’t they call it CLAW (worship) it sounds more appropriately menacing?
im on my phone, so im really limited.
i came out to my family about my doubts and my sexuality.
shit hit the fan.
Hi Magotan, glad you are surviving and doing the opposite of what the Watchtower wants; higher education and being gay.
"Join Jehovah's Witnesses and destroy your family" that's the slogan the public should know.
>>the bible reveals that jehovah issaddened when people pursue a wick-ed course and ‘the inclination of theirthoughts is only bad all the time.’ (readgenesis 6:5, 6.
) from this we can per-ceive that sexual fantasizing is wrongbecause it can lead to serious sin that isforbidden in the scriptures and is out ofharmony with jehovah’s way of think-ing.the disciple james wrote: “the wis-dom from above is first of all pure, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready to obey,full of mercy and good fruits, impar-tial, not hypocritical.” (jas.
3:17) beingaware of this, we should be moved toreject entertainment that fuels impurethoughts and inclinations.
The more stupid things the GB say less people will listen. For those who do, it is going to be a life of anxious paranoia.
How sad it must be to imagine the GB are God's exclusive channel.
just a few questions from a newbie.
answer one or as many as you want.
1. why cleaners?
As a JW, I was a window cleaner, there can be nothing wrong in principle doing an honest job as a cleaner.
Any condemnation that arose was when the JW organisation a year or two back tried to make out that its members were "ordinary people like doctors and lawyers". They are indeed ordinary but not as a rule in the professions. Of course one or two are but the vast majority of JWs are curbed by their cult-driven avoidance of higher education and often have to do more menial work.
This is a key to understanding Watchtower culture; higher education would mean exposing the individual to a use of critical analysis which would result in them awakening to their preposterous claims and methods. So parents heroically deprive their kids of worldly success by limiting their schooling.
Second, people on the lowest rung of the social ladder are dependents. In the case of JWs they depend on the JWorg for all advice, information and instruction on everything. This is how the cult leadership prefers it and to cap it all, there are measures in place to prevent members leaving by the use of emotional blackmail by family and social shunning.
Great religion hey?
tracing the evolutionary path of humans is complicated.
simply because human and proto-human remains (including bones) are perishable.
remains from the distant past are usually only preserved when some unique features exist that assist preservation.
If early humans (or, even proto-humans) were in existence at the times indicated by the layers of sediment, how do we explain the ignorance of the author of Genesis?
Perhaps...they were ordinary humans, uninspired by gods or spirits and lived at a time when religious superstition regulated their every move. Apart from that they were not aware of the human pedigree and therefore could not claim the paleolithic as a god story...
I get the feeling that due to its size and the (normally improving) economic situation in China, we are likely to hear more from there in the way of significant hominin finds in the future. It holds out hope of explaining early Homo erectus movement in the "out of Africa" scenario. There is the possibility that China holds a second species diffusion focus after the Great Rift Valley.
how honest are the proponents of evolution?
idk but curious to see what type of response there is on a topic like this or does their study only seek to confirm their preconceptions and ignore uncomfortable facts?